


Before we start, let me assure you, this isn't a request for handouts or bailouts, just an observation. Someone who works for county government told me that alot of the IT work they have done, is outsourced to people in Canada. Really?! They can't find any good IT people here in America? Let me get this straight, the same government that promised to save America's jobs, is also outsourcing tasks to people in foreign countries?! I don't know about you, but I find that to be kinda fucked up. If local governments are outsourcing jobs, why should corporations give damn? How can this government punish and criticize corporations for outsourcing jobs, when they're doing it themselves? Furthermore, why aren't they talking about this in the news? If it was Apple, Nabisco, or GM, it would be the lead story, and these dipshits in their red, white, and blue t shirts would be picketing. In fact, it has been the lead story. Where the hell are all of these news investigators and their expose's now? Probably too busy spying on county road crews trying to catch one of them sleeping on the job.

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