


So, since we've "bailed out" the banks, they've done nothing for the consumers with that money, but they have given out over 18 dollars in bonuses this year. By now, you're probably thinking, "What the fuck?!", as we all are. How did the government respond? "Well in the next bailout, we're gonna make sure....", The NEXT bailout?! Are you fucking shitting me?! The banks have already told the government, and us, that what they did with OUR money is "none of our business", and now, they're getting another multi billion dollar check?! Ain't America grand?

This may be oversimplifying it, but how about this: What if the government had paid off the mortgages of the people that were in danger of losing their homes? That way, people would be able to stay in their homes and the banks would've gotten their money anyway. As it stands now, nothing has changed. The banks still want more of our money, which they WILL get, and people are still in danger of losing their homes, because the banks aren't modifying their mortgages like they promised. So, just what in the hell DID we accomplish? Don't worry, I'll wait.

Obama said that it's going to get worse before it gets better. Shit, it ain't gonna get better, until our government gets smarter and develop a fucking spine!




"Grown and sexy" - Enough already. I think it's just a ploy to get old folks back in the clubs and to con younger people into overpaying for shit. For real, let it go.

"Hatin" - This has lived long past its shelf life. Besides, the people who use the term don't even know what it means.

Auto Tune rappers - Singers who use it are annoying enough, but rappers?! C'mon dawg.

Ugly coats and jackets - You look like a bunch of fuckin' clowns!

E Beefs - Rappers used to battle face to face or on wax. Now they just make YouTube videos about each other. Y'all look like a bunch of bitches.

Snatching Yung Berg's chain - Okay, who here hasn't snatched Yung Berg's chain?

"No homo" - Do I even have to explain?

Souljah Boy hate - I am not a Nickelback or Radiohead fan, therefore; I spend 0% of my day discussing them. The people who despise Souljah Boy, spend every waking hour trying to let as many people know as possible that they wish he'd die. Let go, dawg. Let go.

People fighting on YouTube - We've seen it already. Post something new.

Rolling Stone magazine praising shit bands - Really? Do we really need to know about the latest garbage band that noone likes but you? Oh, they remind you of the Sex Pistols, do they? If I'm not mistaken, didn't the Sex Pistols suck also?!




I'm hearing the word "snitch" tossed around alot these days, and the truth is, noone knows what the hell they're talking about. Some don't know what it means, others say it, well, because they're sheep. Which leads me to beg the question: Does ANYONE know what a snitch REALLY is?!

T.I. got called a snitch, because, as part of his plea agreement, he agreed to do PSA's for Crimstoppers. The response from the hip hop community? "He's a snitch!", and you're an idiot! Furthermore; he was asking the public to report crimes against women and children, and y'all still called him a "snitch", so what does that make you? Then they say, "Lil Kim went to jail for not snitchin!" No, she went to jail for fucking perjury! The first thing a lawyer learns in the courtroom is never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to. Everything they ask you, they already know the answer, they just want to see if you're going to tell the truth. She lied. She lost. Now, Martha Stewart, she went to jail for not snitching. She illegally and knowingly received insider trading info, and refused to tell on the person that gave it to her. Ha! Martha keeps it realer than most of you wannabe thugs!

An undercover cop IS NOT a snitch. Sadly, there are those that think so. A witness to a crime, again, IS NOT a snitch! What's the diff? I'll tell you. If you and I do a crime together, and I get caught and tell on you, THAT'S snitching. End of story. Now go, my too big pants wearing warriors, and use this new found knowledge wisely!!




C'mon PETA, the attention whoring must stop! First, you wanted Michael Vick to do a PSA against dogfighting, which was cool, but now, you've decided that that wasn't good enough for you. Now you want him to undergo a brain scan and a full psychiatric evaluation?! Get the fuck outta here! You guys need to get over yourselves. You're no longer that important. People are now beginning to see you as the attention whores that you really are.

It was obvious that you went after Vick because he was more famous. Jonathan Babineaux, another Falcon player who is black by the way, killed his dog with a hammer, and yet, there wasn't a peep from you guys. Then there's the time you creeps showed up to picket the Kentucky Derby, which was attention whoring at its finest! The funny this is, the day before during the running of the Kentucky Oats race, a horse had broken its leg too, but alas, you guys weren't there. Hmmm, I wonder why. Was it because that horse wasn't as important? No. Maybe it was because the Kentucky Oats wasn't as famous as the Kentucky Derby, and therefore; there were no cameras there for you to ply your trade. You know, attention whoring.

And while we're at it, what's with the hypocrisy? Isn't one of PETA's presidents a diabetic that has to inject herself with insulin? I wonder where that insulin comes from. Oh yeah, that's right! The pancreases of pigs and cows! Don't they have to be killed to get that? If you were TRULY down for the cause, you'd refuse that insulin, wouldn't you? When questioned about it, she said that the animals were "sacrificing for the greater good". Yeah, hers!!!

Someone from the Humane Society told me, and I quote, "PETA didn't go after Jonathan Babineaux, because he wasn't big enough. Did you notice how they picketed the Kentucky Derby? Well, the day before in a minor race, the Kentucky Oats, another horse broke its leg, but you didn't hear from PETA, did you? They only picket where the cameras are. They do some good things, but basically, they're attention whores."

That about sums it up nicely, don't you think?




"Obama's the President, and black people are still doing....". Man, calm your ass down! What the hell were you expecting in 24 hours, the moon to turn green? Seriously, enough already! Dude has barely been in office a 24 hours, and you're already looking for drastic changes. If you was looking for some drastic shit to happen in 24 hours, maybe your ass should've voted for Jack Bauer! For real, stop with the nonsense. Instead of looking for President Obama (Damn, that sounds good, doesn't it?) to change things and do stuff for you, how about YOU change things and do stuff for yourself? Let the man do his thing first, then start pointing out stuff he hasn't done, but for now, shut the hell up!

Someone asked the question: "Obama's the President now. What has changed?". I'll tell you what hasn't changed, whining ass Negros with low expectations waiting for someone to take responsibility for their actions. People looking for someone else to correct their fuck ups. Here's my advice: Build a bridge, and get over it! It's been just over 24 hours since he's been sworn in. Give it time folks, give it time.



Northern hip hop fans are a funny bunch. Whenever something popular breaks from the South, it's usually met with the same 2 responses:"They're killing hip hop!", or "He's a coon!". For real, dawg? Killing hip hop? Is hip hop that weak, to where somebody making childish pop songs about a dance can kill it? And a "coon"? My God, what has done to be called a "coon"? Did he swear allegiance to an LA street gang, while living in NYC? No wait, maybe he sold drugs to an old lady and his own mother? No? Oh wait, I got it, he snatched someone's chain at gunpoint and made a YouTube video about it, thus further incriminating himself! No? So, all he did was put on some funny glasses and make a song about a dance? Oh, okay.

New York is quick to play the "coon" card, and paint all Southerners with a broad brush, but the minute you mention Cam'ron wearing a pink fur coat, Jim Jones saying, "Biggie was our first Barck Obama.", or "This Is Why I'm Hot", then it's, "Hey, that's them! All New Yorkers aren't like that!". Really? Then why do all of us have to be "coons"? Furthermore; why are a bunch of grown ass men obsessed with a kid anyway?! Go to just about any hip hop forum, and there will the usual "F*ck Souljah Boy" thread with about 40 responses from seemingly grown ass men. It's quite sad actually. When Nas named his album "Nigger", New Yorkers said, "That brother's deep!", but I'll bet you a million bucks, had a Southern rapper done that, they'd have been all over him. Souljah Boy's not "killing hip hop" and neither is any other rapper. You cats need to let it go, and finish "bringing New York back". Hell, you've been working on it for what, 10 years now? At one point, you guys got so desperate, that you tried to put on crown on Mims' head for "This Is Why I'm Hot".

And then we have the West Coast and the Dirty South, who defines "real" as some stupid ass dudes rapping about doing self destructive hood shit. I've always found it funny to see a self described "intelligent Black woman" sitting at a table in the club being a "lady", and the minute "Put It in Your Mouth" comes on, she'll run to the dance floor yelling, "That's my shit!"

You see, I've been into and involved in hip hop for a long time. Probably longer than some of you have been alive. I remember hip hop's innocence and development. I remember my parents and the media saying that it won't be around in 5 years, and that was over 28 years ago!! Hip hop's not dying, it's just that the quality of the artist are crap now. It's hard going from PE, the Native Tongues, and NWA, to this garbage your generation has spawned. Yeah, we had rappers talking about pimping, money, sex, and dope, but they were in the minority. Today, it's ALL YOUR RAPPERS TALK ABOUT! Talk about being in a holding pattern! We even had some whack ass rappers too, but the MAJORITY of your rappers are whack! Shit, your "best" rapper raps through Auto Tune. For real, man?!

I say "your", because my generation left y'all something beautiful, and you guys ruined it. You dumbasses more or less, put fucking spinner rims on a Bentley! Instead of worrying about whether or not someone's a "coon", y'all need to be worrying about trying to bring the quality of hip hop back. New Yorkers love to talking about creating hip hop, but y'all ain't doing shit to improve the quality. In a sense, New Yorkers are a bunch of fucking deadbeat dads. And the rappers in other regions are trying out stupid each other by seeing who can say the dumbest shit in the studio. The public ain't much better than the people who put this crap out, and stop blaming the record labels and the radio stations! These fucking records ain't buying themselves, and the radio stations are playing this crap because Y'ALL asked for it!

Souljah Boy killing hip hop? No. Hip hop survived the drug phase, the pimp phase, gangsta rap, X rated rap, and the murders of 2 of the most influential rappers ever, but somehow, it can't survive Souljah Boy? Please, Souljah Boy can't kill hip hop, but y'all can, and you are!!