
My thoughts on domestic violence.  


This may not be popular with some, but here goes. Ever since Chris Brown went Ike Turner on Rhianna, domestic violence is all people seem to be talking about on the radio morning shows. From Steve Harvey and Tom Joyner to Rickey Smiley and Frankski, and quite frankly, more than a few are taking this opportunity to dawn their capes. Tom Joyner even said that he hopes this ends Chris Brown's career, then he played an R. Kelly song. They're all having these brown nosing dudes and women's rights advocates on their shows, and they're giving out bad advice. Sad, but true. My personal opinion? No man should never have to hit a woman, and women need to learn that there are such things as boundaries. If you see that line in your rearveiw mirror, step back!

These morning show guests and hosts are taking all of the responsibility out of the woman's hands, and that's dangerous. They're telling women that no matter what they do, they can't be hit. Y'all need to cut that shit out right now, or alot more women are going to be getting their asses kicked. My brothers and I were taught not to hit women, but everybody didn't have the same upbringing. Rhianna has always taken pride in the fact that she likes to fight guys straight up, she even bragged about the fact that she once broke a glass over her brother's face, and women everywhere thought it was cool, and now when a guy really fights her back, they all wanna play the victim. Can't have it both ways.

Instead of telling women that they should bare no responsibility, how about teaching them when to fall back? How about teaching them that not all guys were taught not to hit women? How about teaching them the fact that if they hit a guy, some guys will hit you back? I saw a woman beating on her man in a parking lot one day. She was hitting him in his face while yelling, "What are you gonna do, hit me back? Why don't you hit me back, so everyone can call you a punk! C'mon punk, I betcha you won't hit me back!". I told one of my female friends this story, and she responded with this: "If I was that dude, I would have kicked her ass!". Now, if a woman feels like that, how in the hell do you think a guy feels?

I think men and women need to share in the responsibility and work together on solving this issue. As longs as one side has a "victim for life card", and the other has a "guilty no matter what card", shit WILL NOT change. Instead of these spineless brown nosing radio host trying to score brownie points with their women audience, how about being real for a change? Steve Harvey likes to say that he's teaching women to think like men. If that's the case, you should also teach them that a man knows that if he hits someone or keep pushing a person to the limit, there will be reprisals. Bad advice will not solve this, nor will sucking up to your female audience. How can we fix this, if one side don't think that anything's broken?

What next?

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4 comments: to “ My thoughts on domestic violence.

  • March 6, 2009 at 4:33 PM  

    I got this advice from my father growing up, "if your going to hit like a man, you better learn to take it like a man".

  • March 6, 2009 at 10:48 PM  

    I never thought of it this way. You make some excellent points. Of course men should not be allowed to hit women but as the law is now, just for touching, a man can be arrested. It is a very tough issue and you handled it very well.

  • March 11, 2009 at 10:22 PM  

    Domestic violence is indeed a very hot topic these days because of the Rihanna-Chris Brown issue.

    Respect begets respect. Men and women should have that virtue in them so as not to aggravate the situation.

    Both singers should seek proper advices and counseling.

    Have a great day!

  • March 13, 2009 at 2:09 PM  

    Well said, I agree with you. The other thing that is coming out with all of this is the high rate of teenage boys who are abusing their girlfriends. I have a teenage niece who is still being stalked by her ex BF who was very abusive. In my teenage days, I never dated or knew guys who were abusive, what's up these days?