


Well, it seems for most of us, the honeymoon's over. The post Obama election bliss is starting to wane. For the clear thinking, we knew it would end. For the emotionally involved, not so much. They're still holding out hope for the "change" we've heard so much about. Make no mistake, we were all sucked in, sadly, not all of us are able to become "unsucked", so to speak. Once we became "unsucked", we began to ask questions. We saw that Israel got their yearly $12 billion stocking stuffer, and the corporate pimps got their usual payments from their government bitches working the corners, and now we're (the American people AND the black community) are asking, "Where's ours?".

Well, where is it?! Once again, my fellow suckers, we'll be stuck in that pumpkin patch with Linus awaiting the Great Pumpkin, and he ain't coming! When Obama was campaigning, he looked right into our collective eyes, and promised a solid plan to save the homes of those that were on the verge of losing them, and what did we get? Let's see, the banks got billions upon billions of dollars to lend, the executives got 5 & 6 figure bonuses and 2 spa retreats, and those people on the verge of losing their homes got a 30 extension, which ended in February.

Basically, we went to the polls in November, scratched a lottery ticket, and saw "Not a winner this time. Please play again.". So, you're telling me that it never occurred to them to just pay off the homes? Doing that would have accomplished what they claimed they were setting out to do. Helping the banks to get rid of inventory and becoming more solvent to have more cash to lend, and saving the homes of the people. Assuming that is, those were really their intentions. I suspect that it wasn't. Hell, to sell their case, we were promised a website that we can log onto to monitor where our money was going. Hmm, it's www., uh, oh yeah, that's right! THERE IS NO WEBSITE FOR US TO LOG ONTO TO MONITOR WHERE OUR MONEY IS BEING SPENT!!!!

Then you have us in the black community that are asking, "Okay, what are gonna do for us?". "Surely, if you can give Israel their usual $12 billion payoff and billions for the corporations, for who knows what, there's gotta be something in that bag for us!". So far, nada. Of course we know that Obama's the President for all of America, and not just Black America, but somehow, when he's doling out loot to other people, noone seems to bring that up. Noone ever says, "He's the President of America, not corporate/Jewish America!". Funny that. I keep bringing up Israel, because after he was sworn in, there were alot of Jews asking, "What's he gonna for Israel?", not only were the Jews asking that, but so were alot of the talking heads on these so called news programs. "What's he gonna do for Israel?"?! Uh, he's not the President of Israel, why should he have to do anything, but I digress.

Anyway, people are thinking that, just because he appointed blacks to high profile positions (Atty. Gen., Surgeon Gen., Head of NASA), that that should somehow pacify us. It doesn't. Obama says that we blacks are going to have start doing for ourselves, and I agree. But if that's the case, why are we still sending $12 billion to Israel, and bailing out corporations? Are they not in a position to "do for themselves", like he thinks that we are? Shit, 134 billion of AIG's money went to Goldman Sachs, because they owed Goldman Sachs money! Why wasn't AIG told to "do for self"? Where's the consistency?

I'm not anti Obama. In fact, I'm far from it. But there comes a time when you have to stop being proud, and start being observant. Most of us refuse to do that. Sadly, to most of my people, looking at Obama with a critical eye, is akin to slapping white Jesus across the forehead with a 2x4. And to all of the people criticizing Obama and calling him a liar for not asking about reparations, get over yourselves! He never said that he would. In fact, he said that he was against it. It seem like some of you are trying to get him to deliver on promises he never made. It's cool to be critical, without being stupid about it.

Seeing my fellow black folks attacking us for asking questions about Obama, reminds me of those buffoons that follow that junkie Rush Limbaugh. The same people upset with me questioning Obama, are the same people that were criticizing Bush's followers for being blind loyalists. Here's my advice to y'all: Go to the window and take in the view of the beach one last time. Tomorrow, you'll be on a plane heading back home. The honeymoon's over!

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