


So, since we've "bailed out" the banks, they've done nothing for the consumers with that money, but they have given out over 18 dollars in bonuses this year. By now, you're probably thinking, "What the fuck?!", as we all are. How did the government respond? "Well in the next bailout, we're gonna make sure....", The NEXT bailout?! Are you fucking shitting me?! The banks have already told the government, and us, that what they did with OUR money is "none of our business", and now, they're getting another multi billion dollar check?! Ain't America grand?

This may be oversimplifying it, but how about this: What if the government had paid off the mortgages of the people that were in danger of losing their homes? That way, people would be able to stay in their homes and the banks would've gotten their money anyway. As it stands now, nothing has changed. The banks still want more of our money, which they WILL get, and people are still in danger of losing their homes, because the banks aren't modifying their mortgages like they promised. So, just what in the hell DID we accomplish? Don't worry, I'll wait.

Obama said that it's going to get worse before it gets better. Shit, it ain't gonna get better, until our government gets smarter and develop a fucking spine!

What next?

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