


My fellow Americans, I'm going to tell you something that you'll probably disagree with. We like to think that, since we put politicians in office, they work for us. THEY DON'T! Sorry, but they neither work for, nor represent us. I always hear people say, "They work for us! They should be doing our will.", wake up, Goldie Locks. Politicians work for big business and unions, plain and simple. Your vote is merely a ride to work for them. Basically, we're the bus drivers that take them to work. If you think I'm lying, think about this; if you email your congressman, you'll get a canned email response. If a lobbyist emailed your congressman, he'd get a return phone call....immediately! Is that anyway to treat your boss? Yes, your boss should get a phone call.

The last energy bill included input from the big oil and energy companies. How much of your input was included, boss? When we "employers" started losing our homes at record rates, who did they give the money to? When we "supervisors" objected to bailing out AIG, what happened? When we "bosses" found that we could go to Canada and get medicine for a whole lot cheaper than we could here, the big pharmaceutical companies didn't like that. What did our "employees", the lawmakers, do? They made it illegal. Now, they're trying to come to a consensus on this new health care bill, and who's pulling the strings? The insurance companies and the AMA. Where's your string to pull, Mr. Dithers? You can threaten to fire them, but in reality, your threats ring hollow. You know why? Because they know that they don't work for you!! Only we voters think that bullshit.

In theory, they're supposed to work for us. We send them to Washington to make things right for us, but somewhere along the line a coup was staged, and the unions and big corporations supplanted us as bosses. Yeah, they'll do the song and dance every election cycle, but instead of listening to the words of the song, pay attention to who the song is dedicated to. It ain't us! If you want to keep spouting that the politicians work for you, fine, have at it. Maybe it makes you feel good to say that, and that's fine too, but when you start to actually believe that, that's when the wheels start to come off. To be honest, the quicker you realize that politicians don't work for you, the better off you'll be come November 5th. That way, the vote you cast on the 4th won't hurt as bad. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to turn to C-SPAN and check on my employees.

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