


C'mon PETA, the attention whoring must stop! First, you wanted Michael Vick to do a PSA against dogfighting, which was cool, but now, you've decided that that wasn't good enough for you. Now you want him to undergo a brain scan and a full psychiatric evaluation?! Get the fuck outta here! You guys need to get over yourselves. You're no longer that important. People are now beginning to see you as the attention whores that you really are.

It was obvious that you went after Vick because he was more famous. Jonathan Babineaux, another Falcon player who is black by the way, killed his dog with a hammer, and yet, there wasn't a peep from you guys. Then there's the time you creeps showed up to picket the Kentucky Derby, which was attention whoring at its finest! The funny this is, the day before during the running of the Kentucky Oats race, a horse had broken its leg too, but alas, you guys weren't there. Hmmm, I wonder why. Was it because that horse wasn't as important? No. Maybe it was because the Kentucky Oats wasn't as famous as the Kentucky Derby, and therefore; there were no cameras there for you to ply your trade. You know, attention whoring.

And while we're at it, what's with the hypocrisy? Isn't one of PETA's presidents a diabetic that has to inject herself with insulin? I wonder where that insulin comes from. Oh yeah, that's right! The pancreases of pigs and cows! Don't they have to be killed to get that? If you were TRULY down for the cause, you'd refuse that insulin, wouldn't you? When questioned about it, she said that the animals were "sacrificing for the greater good". Yeah, hers!!!

Someone from the Humane Society told me, and I quote, "PETA didn't go after Jonathan Babineaux, because he wasn't big enough. Did you notice how they picketed the Kentucky Derby? Well, the day before in a minor race, the Kentucky Oats, another horse broke its leg, but you didn't hear from PETA, did you? They only picket where the cameras are. They do some good things, but basically, they're attention whores."

That about sums it up nicely, don't you think?

What next?

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  • January 22, 2009 at 1:12 PM  

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • January 22, 2009 at 1:25 PM  

    I agree with you totally Woody. Great points about PETA's media whoring. Nobody here wants animals to be abused or killed but PETA takes it too far.

    Why is Mike Vick the most evil person in the world? NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell should not fold to the unreasonable pressures of the PETA mob. The high tech media lynching of Mike Vick cannot continue. America is the land of the second chance, and Vick deserves to be given one. For PETA to continue to use Vick as the Saddam Hussein of the animals right movement is un-American.

    I am encouraged by ESPN's Skip Bayless' comments in support of Vick being given a second chance. Bayless, a known Vick nemesis agrees that PETA needs a mental exam more than Vick ever will.

    All of the money raised by PETA from the Vick fiasco must have been too addictive not to try a new Vick campaign. Enough is enough, the backlash has started, PETA might have gone to the well one too many times.

  • May 1, 2009 at 12:07 AM  

    lBecause of PETA i couldn't get a cat that took to me right away. Because my other cat is declawed so my house was barraged by harrassing phone calls from peta freaks saying i could have my cat taken away and go to jail
    now that cat will sit in pets mart until he will be euthanised
    email me if you have a simlar story zim7770@gmail.coml