3 commentsWell, isn't it fascinating what comes out when a popular preacher gets caught with his hands in the booty, um...I meant cookie jar? Not only are we hearing about Mr. Long's proclivities, but we're also seeing his followers come out fighting a like a mama raccoon cut off from her babies. This is what happens when you worship the man talking about God, and not the God that man is talking about. Keep in mind, this is a man that made part of his name off rallying against and condemning gays to hell. Heck, he even held a march against gays, and now he's been accused of doing the very thing that he hates. Isn't that always the case?
His followers are telling us not be as quick to judge him, as they were at judging those gay people that they marched against. Ah, church people, those walking contradictions. They say that the Bible says "An eye for an eye." when something is done to them, but they want their victims to "turn the other cheek.". They're quick to judge those who don't attend their church, but when they or their pastor gets caught up, then it's "Judge ye not." or "He who is without sin...". When people say, "That's why I don't go to church.", y'all try to school them on going for the message and not the man, but won't admit that you drive an hour out of your way to go to that church because of the man, just so you can say, "I go to so and so's church.". I don't know how it is in other cities, but people in Atlanta treat their churches like designer labels.
Here's one of the things that separate us critics from the sheep. We realize that there's a possibility that these charges could be a pack of lies. They aren't ready to deal with the possibility that these charges could very well be true. When I saw him address his flock, and he mentioned that he wasn't "a perfect man" 3 times, I heard, "Okay y'all, some stuff is going to come out. I didn't do what they're saying I did, but I did do something.". I don't think that they are mentally prepared to deal with that something, whatever it may be. Also, far be it from me to tell you how to defend your bishop, but "Those boys were of legal age!" IS NOT the route I'd go.
I do have to wonder though, if these charges were brought against Glenn Beck or one of those idiots, would people like Warren Ballentine and Steve Harvey be willing to wait until "all of the facts are out"? Just like in the R. Kelly case, people are blaming the plaintiffs and not the predator. Also, calling an anti gay preacher out on his alleged hypocrisy and homosexual proclivities, IS NOT an "attack on religion and the body of Christ". Spare me the hyperbole. The surfacing of allegations not only forced us to ask questions of Eddie Long, but some of us in the black community need to also ask questions of ourselves.