0 commentsAh, cringe moments! You know those moments that you take to look at an old photo from high school or the club, and cringe at the sight of your bad perm or ridiculous outfit? Yeah, we've all been there, but at worst, it was only a source of laughter and not shame. Being in my 40's, an old Polariod picture from the 70's and 80's is about the only thing people my age have to worry about, unlike today's kids. Considering today's technology, young people would gladly trade with us!
The reason I'm writing this, is because after seeing a few young women posing for very graphic pictures, I began to wonder, "How is the going to go over when they get into their 30's and 40's?". I don't think that our young people TRULY realize that what's on the internet, STAYS on the internet. That threesome you allowed yourself to be filmed participating in and uploaded, ain't going nowhere, but that topless photo grandma took back in the 60's is probably long gone by now. I have a friend who took nude pictures for his girlfriend in high school in the 80's. He's at a Fortune 500 company now, because his prospective employee couldn't do a "search" for him on the internet. Conversely, we've all heard the story of the young man who didn't get the job, because someone in Human Resources found racy pictures that he'd upload to a page that he'd deleted YEARS earlier. Again, what's on the internet, STAYS on the internet!
It's cool to have fun and get "caught up" in the moment, as long as you don't get "caught up". I guarantee you, having someone see a picture of me from the 70's in bell bottoms, won't be nearly as bad as a prospective mate seeing a picture of you in college taking on 3 guys at once! You can burn a picture and trash a VHS tape, and know that it's destroyed. But when you hit that "delete" button, that doesn't mean that it's gone, it just means that YOU don't have it anymore. It's still there, and it WILL show up at the least opportune time. Guys, the next time you plop your privates out to take a picture for an "adult" forum, or you girls decide to "take it off" for the digital camera, realize that the young you will get a pass, but the old you will be paying for it. Think about it.