0 commentsFirst of all, I hope everyone has a happy and prosperous 2010. Being that it is a new year, I've been thinking about making some changes. I'm sure you've seen every wannabe, hanger on, and Z list celebrity acknowledging me in their tweets, Facebook posts, and mixtapes. Yes, I am "hater". They seem to be obsessed with me, because they all give me shout outs, but I never acknowledge them. I was hoping that they'd have blown up, and become huge, thus making my "hating" productive, but sadly, such was not the case. I'm sure I'm not the only one that says to himself, "Who the hell are you?!", everytime someone says, "This goes out to all my haters!".
I've decided that I can't do the "hate" thing anymore. It's not personal, mind you. It's not you, it's me. Well, actually, it is you. You guys are no more famous than the guy that hands me my Chik Fil A chicken biscuit in the morning. You've only "made it" in your own minds, and I feel that I've wasted a whole year's worth of good, quality hate. It's not totally your fault, I'm partly to blame as well. I should've used my "hate" on people like Anthony David, India.Arie, or even Chris Bosh, but since they were already doing their thang, I decided to get in on the ground floor, and attach my "hate" to some unknowns. It seems like you benefited from this relationship more than I did. You got to shout me out every chance you got, and in return, all I got was, "Who?!", every time I mentioned you. So, I'm gonna move on. We could still be cool, and one day, hopefully you'll earn my "hate". Until then, could you please refrain from putting my name in your posts, tweets, and mixtapes until you've done something that won't make people say,"Who is this again?" ? Thank you, and buh bye.