2 commentsWith all of the bullshit that's going on today with these corporations, I find myself thinking about the French Revolution. Whatever you may feel about the French, you have to admit one thing, they had the right idea in 1789. When the rich got richer off the blood, sweat, and tears of the poor, and the poor got the door, they did something about it! They were not content to let the problem "correct itself". They cut people's heads off! Some of you may think that's extreme, but I don't think it is. What's being done today, is no different than what the aristocracy was doing to the French people back then.
Corporate greed has gotten out of control, because the CEO's have no fear of reprisals. "What are they going to do about it?", they asked themselves, and of course the answer was always the same: nothing. Them giving out bonuses, buying 45 million dollar jets, and spending a half million dollars on spa weekends with our money, is the new way of saying, "Let them eat cake!". Can you imagine how they would conduct themselves if they knew that the people watching had a guillotine at the ready? Of course, the French citizens had been pushed to the brink. I guess people living in tents in 2009, losing their homes and retirement funds, and having their jobs shipped overseas is not enough anguish for us Americans. Back in the 1700's, Americans were so pissed about being unfairly taxed by King George, that they actually DID something about it, which of course, led up to the Revolutionary War. Somehow, over time, we Americans have become a bunch of unfocused punk bitches.
It's one of three things to me: either we don't have the guts to react like the French in 1789, we're too stupid to know that we're living in the same condition they were in, or we Americans just like to take it so that we can have something to bitch about. After the war with Iraq started, we Americans hated the French for not going along with it. It got so stupid, that idiots were referring to French fries as "Freedom fries". As least I can say this about the French: there was a time when they had the balls do what should be done now. I want you "freedom fry" eaters to go read up on the French Revolution and then asked yourselves: What are we willing to do?
While you're at it, pass me a freedom fry.